
When Can You Put Cereal In Baby's Milk

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The process of adding rice cereal to formula or breast milk is a common transitional pace parents can have when they want to innovate solid foods into their infant'southward diet. Generally, infants can begin to swallow rice cereal with formula between the ages of 4 and 6 months. These ages may vary depending on the advice of your pediatrician or health care provider and if your child has met certain developmental milestones.

  1. one

    Wait until your infant is 4 to six months. The American University of Pediatrics recommends waiting until vi months of age to start solid foods, only some babies are ready earlier than others.[1] Giving your infant cereal too early increases the gamble of choking or inhaling the rice cereal mixture into his or her lungs. Early exposure to cereal can as well increase your baby'south take a chance of developing food allergies.[2]

    • Your babe may be fix to attempt rice cereal at iv months of age. Your doctor can assistance you decide what is best for your baby.
    • It may be alright to introduce rice cereal before 4 to six months of historic period if your babe has reflux issues. Talk to your pediatrician earlier you try this though.[3]
    • Your baby should also be able to eat from a spoon before you innovate rice cereal to his or her diet.
    • Feeding your baby solid foods likewise early can cause your baby to become overweight.[4]
  2. ii

    Be sure your infant has met the necessary developmental milestones. In add-on to being old enough, your infant should meet certain developmental milestones before you introduce cereal. Your baby should be able to sit down with support, take head and neck control, push up with elbows from a lying position, place hands or toys in his or her oral cavity, and lean forward and open his or rima oris when hungry or interested in food. If your kid is 6 months of age, but has not met these milestones, you may need to delay the introduction of rice cereal.[5]

    • Waiting for these milestones is important. They help ensure that your infant tin can safely consume the rice cereal.
    • Infants also accept an extrusion reflex that causes them to enhance their tongue and push button against objects that are placed between their lips.[6] This reflex is commonly gone past 4 to half-dozen months of age. Trying to spoon feed your child cereal with this reflex can be frustrating and hard.


  3. 3

    Meet with your infant's pediatrician or health care provider. Talk to a medical professional before you innovate solid foods.[seven] Your physician tin can verify that your infant is developed enough to handle solid foods. This is the fourth dimension for you to ask questions and mention any concerns you have well-nigh solid foods.

    • In some cases, your infant'south intestinal tract may not be fully developed or your baby may not be able to fullness, leading to potential overfeeding.
    • Practise not requite your babe solid foods until your doctor says that is alright.


  1. 1

    Talk to your pediatrician.. Do not add rice cereal to your babe's canteen unless your pediatrician recommends that you should. This is typically just done to treat infants with gastroesophageal reflux (GER). Eating cereal from a bottle can make it more difficult for your infant to learn to eat from a spoon[8] and can increase the risk of your infant eating as well much and becoming overweight.[ix]

    • To reduce reflux, go on your infant upright (i.e. on your shoulder) for 20 to xxx minutes after a feeding.
    • Try a premixed,"anti-reflux" formula. These formulas contain rice starch.
    • Attempt a hypoallergenic formula that does not contain cow milk or soy milk and run into if your infant'south reflux improves. Try this for one or two weeks.[ten]
    • The American Academy of Pediatrics does non recommend that you feed your infant rice cereal from a bottle.[11] However, your pediatrician is the best source for deciding if yous should feed your baby rice cereal through a bottle.
  2. 2

    Add together rice cereal to the bottle. First by adding i teaspoon of rice cereal per ounce (i.e. 6 teaspoons) of formula. Prepare the bottle correct before y'all program to feed your baby. The mixture will go on to thicken if you let it sit.

    • Your medico may recommend a dissimilar ratio of rice cereal to formula.
    • Y'all can add upward to i tablespoon of rice cereal to the canteen.
  3. 3

    Give the bottle to your baby at night. The canteen with the rice cereal should exist your baby's last feeding for the night. This may help your baby sleep longer considering the baby's stomach will feel fuller.

    Cut a larger hole in the nipple of the bottle because the mixture is thicker than formula alone.


    • Don't requite your baby rice cereal at every feeding. Rice cereal is mostly carbohydrates and does non provide the same nutrition that formula or breast milk does. Giving your baby rice cereal at every feeding may decrease the amount of nutrients the baby is getting.
    • Yous can either cutting a small "10 or "y"" in the nipple of the bottle or go up to a larger nipple size to suit the rice cereal formula.
  4. 4

    Monitor your infant's response. Spotter how your babe is swallowing the rice cereal. If the mixture is besides thick, your babe will accept difficulty getting it downwards and may become tired during the feeding. Discover if your baby becomes constipated or starts gaining also much weight. These are common side effects of drinking rice cereal.

    • Adjust the amount of rice cereal yous are giving your baby based on your observations.
    • If the rice cereal makes your baby constipated, you may desire to try oatmeal instead.[13]
    • If you are trying to treat your baby's reflux, yous should starting time seeing results in 2 or 3 days. If you run into no improvements in that amount of time, rice cereal may not exist a skilful solution for your infant.


  1. 1

    Mix the rice cereal and formula. Read the package instructions for preparing the rice cereal. Typically, you add ane tablespoon (14.78 ml) of rice cereal to every four tablespoons (60ml) of formula or breast milk [14] For example, if you lot are currently feeding your infant eight tablespoons of formula, you must add two tablespoons of rice cereal.

    • Stir the mixture with a spoon until it looks similar thin milk or has the consistency of soup.
    • If you have purchased rice cereal that already contains formula, set up the cereal as directed on the packaging. In some cases, y'all may only demand to add water.
  2. 2

    Serve the rice cereal and formula mixture with a spoon. Although the mixture has the consistency of milk, serve it to your baby with a small spoon.[15] Eating the mixture from a spoon will besides keep your baby from overeating and ingesting too many calories.[16]

    • Your baby is used to drinking formula from a bottle and instinctively knows how much to drink based on volume.[17] However, adding cereal and eating from a spoon can make information technology more difficult for your baby to know when to stop eating.
    • Alternatively, you can add together simply a tiny amount of formula to the rice cereal, and so it still holds it shape on its food. This is a expert way to help your baby practice eating solid foods.[18]
  3. 3

    Serve a small amount initially. The first mixture that your infant eats should be thin. Yous tin thicken the mixture over time. Give your baby i teaspoon (5 ml) of the mixture at the end of breastfeeding or bottle feeding at first. Gradually build up to one to iv tablespoons (fifteen to threescore ml) of the mixture two times a 24-hour interval. This process will requite your infant fourth dimension to develop his or her ability to swallow.[19]

    • Identify the spoon near your baby's lips and let your infant smell and gustation the cereal on the spoon commencement. Your baby volition probably refuse to eat at showtime.[xx]
    • If your infant is not interested in the mixture or refuses to eat it, try the mixture once more the next twenty-four hour period. You can also endeavour a thinner mixture.
    • Your baby may intermittently spit out some cereal with his or her tongue as a natural reflex.
    • You can also feed your infant formula or breast milk from the bottle, serve the rice mixture from the spoon, so end the feeding with formula or breast milk from the canteen.
    • You can begin to thicken the mixture one time your baby has tolerated the mixture well for three to five days.[21]
    • Your baby may vomit afterwards trying the rice cereal the first few times. Practise not worry about this. Just try the rice cereal once more the next 24-hour interval.
  4. 4

    Look for allergy symptoms. An infant that is allergic to the mixture may feel bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, or increased gas. If your infant experiences any of these symptoms, finish feeding him or her the mixture until you speak with your doctor. If your baby has hives or difficulty animate after eating the mixture, see a doctor immediately.[22]

    • Your infant is more likely to have an allergic reaction if a close family member has any type of allergies, eczema, or asthma.
    • Talk to your doctor well-nigh your family history of nutrient allergies when yous discuss introducing rice cereal and solid foods.


  1. 1

    Avoid arsenic found in rice. Nigh rice cereals are made from processed, white rice. Rice has a higher concentration of arsenic than other grains. Arsenic is a carcinogen (i.e. cancer causing) that can set up your child up for health problems later in life.[23] If you are concerned about exposing your baby to arsenic, you lot can cull a cereal made from other grains (e.g. oats, quinoa, wheat, and barley).[24]

    • Not merely does whole grain cereal reduce your baby's exposure to arsenic, information technology has more fiber and nutrients than white rice cereal.
    • The American University of Pediatrics recommends cereals fabricated from oats as an alternative to rice cereal.[25]
  2. ii

    Introduce another start food. Although rice cereal is the most common first food, other foods are acceptable as well. Finely chopped meat and pureed vegetables can exist your baby'southward first food.[26] Mashed avocado and stewed pears are skillful options for a first solid food.[27]

    • Introducing rice cereal is a tradition, but it is completely safe to try other solid foods first.[28]
    • No thing what solid food you offer, brand sure it contains no saccharide or table salt.
    • Look three to v days between each new nutrient that you lot innovate.[29]


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    How practice I know if my baby is fix to get-go eating solid foods?

    Sarah Siebold, IBCLC, MA

    Sarah Siebold is an International board certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and Certified Lactation Educator Counselor (CLEC) based in Los Angeles, California. She runs her own lactation consulting practice called IMMA, where she specializes in emotional support, clinical care, and evidence-based breastfeeding practices. Her editorial work about new motherhood and breastfeeding has been featured in VoyageLA, The Tot, and Hello My Tribe. She completed her clinical lactation training in both individual practice and outpatient settings through the University of California, San Diego. She also earned her M.A. in English language and American Literature from New York Academy.

    Sarah Siebold, IBCLC, MA

    International Board Certified Lactation Consultant

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    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends not starting solid foods until at least six months of age. With that said, some babies are gear up a petty chip earlier than others. In that location are a couple of readiness cues you can look for. Y'all want them all to be present, not just one. Start, your baby needs to bear witness involvement in family meals by watching yous put things in your rima oris, put things on your plate, and do things at the dinner table. They too need expert head and neck control and the ability to sit on their own unsupported so they don't choke. Additionally, they should be starting to develop what's called the pincer grasp, where they can really start using their fingers to catch smaller $.25 of food. Finally, you should look for the elimination of a reflex called the tongue-thrust reflex, which causes babies to thrust their tongue and push things out of their oral cavity.

  • Question

    How much water do you lot mix with rice cereal?

    Amy Chow

    Amy Grub is a Registered Dietitian and the Founder of Chow Down Nutrition, a family and child nutrition consulting service in British Columbia (BC), Canada. With over ix years of experience, Amy has a special interest in pediatric diet, food allergy management, and eating disorder recovery. Amy holds a Bachelor'southward degree in Nutritional Sciences from McGill Academy. She gained her clinical experiences at residential and outpatient eating disorder handling programs equally well every bit for BC Children'due south Hospital before starting her own business. She has been featured on Notice BC Dietitians, Dietitians of Canada, Food Allergy Canada, Recovery Care Commonage, Parentology, Salve on Foods, National Eating Disorder Information Eye (NEDIC), and Joytv.

    Amy Chow

    Pediatric Dietitian

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    I recommend adding formula or breast milk to it instead and so yous don't dilute the nutrition. I think the best style to do information technology is to use equally little milk as possible, considering you still want the puree to hold its shape on a spoon. That manner, the baby can practice their eating skills, rather than just drinking from a spoon.

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  • If you are unsure or take any questions, always consult your infant's doctor.


  • Exercise not feed the rice cereal and formula mixture to your infant from a bottle unless directed by your infant'southward pediatrician. Drinking rice cereal from a bottle may pb to hazards such every bit choking and overeating.


Things Yous'll Need

  • Prepared formula or breast milk
  • Rice cereal
  • Babe spoon
  • Pocket-size bowl

About This Article

Article Summary X

Before you add rice cereal to formula, brand sure your infant is at to the lowest degree four-6 months former, is able to sit down up with assistance, and has head and neck control. If y'all aren't sure if your baby is set, cheque with your kid'southward health intendance provider. If rice cereal is correct for your baby, outset by adding 1 tsp of rice cereal to your baby's nightly bottle. Or, you could try spoon feeding ane tsp of rice cereal mixed in with iv tsp of formula. Starting time with a small amount and check for allergic reactions before increasing the amount you give. For some salubrious alternatives to rice cereal, gyre down.

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