
How To Put Backspin On A Tennis Ball

Table Tennis Techniques - Spin

Spin: The hidden side of table lawn tennis
Observe how to impart spin and render spin shots

Table tennis technique - spin by courtesy of the ITTF

In the early days of tabular array lawn tennis (1920s to 1950s) almost players used a traditional "hardbat" which consisted of pimpled rubber, without sponge, on a wooden blade.

This meant that the game was predominantly about ball placement and control, rather than spin.

But afterwards the introduction of sponge in the 1950s information technology became possible to impart much more than spin onto the ball - and that started a major change to the way that table tennis is played today.

The apply of spin is at present THE most dominant factor in the sport of tabular array tennis - yet information technology remains largely hidden from view for casual spectators of the game.

Simply for any role player who wants to improve their game, being able to impart spin and play against spin is one of the most important table tennis techniques you'll need to master.

And so let's accept a look at how spin is imparted onto the ball, what outcome it has on the brawl and how to annul spin strokes.


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Learn the Nuts First

Beingness able to play and return spin shots is an advanced technique, then before you learn these techniques information technology'due south important that you master the nuts of tabular array tennis first, such as the table lawn tennis grip, the four basic table tennis strokes and the basic table tennis serve.

When you've mastered the basics, you lot'll then be set up to motility on to this more advanced level of table tennis.


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Do, Practice, Practice

The modern game is dominated past players who use an ambitious attacking, offensive style of play and they can impart a lot of spin onto the ball, and so dealing with your opponent's strokes can exist very hard.

The speed at which the brawl approaches y'all may non let you sufficient fourth dimension to know how much spin is on the brawl, only with practice you'll become meliorate at determining the type and quantity of spin by watching your opponent's racket movement, the flying of the ball and the logo on the ball.

Withal, the but way to improve is to do, practice, practice.

There is no shortcut.

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Spin - the hidden side of table lawn tennis

Spin is imparted onto the brawl past using a tangential brushing action with your racket.

And the faster your noise brushes against the ball, the more spin you lot'll impart onto information technology.

So, improving your brushing action is crucial if you desire to impart more spin onto the ball.

No spin imparted

Whenever you striking the brawl near its equator with your racket at a ninety° bending, the ball will travel frontwards more and have less, or no, spin.

Spin imparted

Simply when you lot brush your racket against the ball at an angle of less than, or more than, 90° using an upwards, downward or sideways motion, the ball will spin more and not travel every bit far forrad.

Using reverse rubbers will as well assistance you to impart spin onto the brawl, whereas using pimpled or anti-spin rubbers will hinder you.

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Generally, for most strokes played, the brawl is struck with either topspin or backspin - although sidespin may as well exist added.

Then allow's take a wait at each of these table tennis techniques in plow and see how to impart spin onto the ball...

1. Topspin

sidespin table tennis

Topspin is produced by starting your stroke below the brawl and brushing your dissonance tangentially against the brawl (at or in a higher place its equator) in an upwards and forward motility.

You can impart more topspin onto the ball if you use - a fast stroke activity; a tangentially brushing activity of your rubber on the ball above the equator; a reverse condom with proficient friction properties (i.e. offensive safe).

2. Backspin

sidespin table tennis

Backspin is produced by starting your stroke above the ball and brushing your noise tangentially against the ball (at or below its equator) in a downward and forward motion.

You can impart more backspin onto the ball if you utilise a fast stroke action and a tangentially brushing action of your condom on the brawl below the equator.

3. Sidespin

left sidespin
right sidespin

Sidespin is produced by brushing your racket tangentially confronting the ball in a sideways move.

Depending on whether your racket moves to the left or to the right, yous'll impart different sidespin.

When yous motion your racket to the left, you'll impart left sidespin and crusade the ball to turn to the correct.

When you lot move your dissonance to the correct, y'all'll impart right sidespin and cause the brawl to plough to the left.

You can impart more than sidespin onto the brawl if you use a fast stroke action and a tangentially brushing action of your rubber on the ball.

Yet, sidespin is often imparted in improver to topspin OR backspin. That means, many strokes played with sidespin will either be topspin & sidespin combined, OR backspin & sidespin combined.

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Furnishings of Spin

1. Topspin

When you impart topspin onto the ball, the frontward spin increases the downward pressure on the ball, then that after information technology bounces on the tabular array it will stay low and accelerate frontwards.

Effect of topspin on a table tennis ball

When a topspin stroke makes contact with your opponent's racket, the topspin will cause information technology to rebound in an upward direction.

2. Backspin

When you lot impart backspin onto the brawl, the backspin decreases the downward force per unit area on the ball, and then that after information technology bounces on the table information technology will rise upwardly more and not go equally far forrad.

Effect of backspin on a table tennis ball

When a backspin stroke makes contact with your opponent'south noise, the backspin will cause it to rebound in an downward direction.

three. Sidespin

a. When you impart left sidespin onto the ball, past brushing on the left mitt side of the ball, information technology will crusade it to go to the right.

effect of left sidespin on a table tennis ball viewed from to a higher place

When a left sidespin stroke makes contact with your opponent's racket, the left sidespin volition cause it to rebound to their right.

b. When yous impart right sidespin onto the brawl, past brushing on the right hand side of the ball, it volition cause information technology to go to the left.

effect of right sidespin on a table tennis ball viewed from higher up

When a correct sidespin stroke makes contact with your opponent's racket, the correct sidespin volition crusade it to rebound to their left.

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Reading Spin

So how do you read the spin on your opponent'south strokes?

Well, experience certainly helps. Y'all'll notice that the more you play, the improve y'all'll become at reading spin, but in that location are a few general principles that you tin use besides.

The first matter to do is to lookout your opponent's noise bending before and during the time it strikes the brawl.

Watching the contact point of the racket on the ball is the best mode to observe what spin is on the ball. The angle of the noise will betoken whether it is probable to be backspin, topspin, side-spin or no spin. And with side-spin, the direction of the racket movement earlier it strikes the brawl volition signal whether it has left or right side-spin.

However, all of these visual clues will simply requite you a general guide because the amend players volition be able to disguise and vary the spin using similar stroke actions.

Acme players therefore besides read the spin past watching the flight of the ball and how it bounces off the tabular array. Topspin strokes will continue depression, backspin strokes will bounce slightly higher, whilst sidespin strokes volition often movement to the left or to the right.

Additionally, on return of service or for shots played curt over the internet, they sentry the logo on the ball as it bounces on the tabular array. If the logo is visible, the brawl probably has no spin or minimal spin, whereas if you cannot see information technology clearly, it probably has excessive spin.

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Playing confronting Spin

Returning topspin

Topspin strokes are created when your opponent's noise brushes against the ball using an upward stroke action. This causes the ball to accelerate and dip due to a combination of ball rotation and air resistance.

After the ball makes contact with your racket, the topspin will cause it to rebound in an upwardly direction.

Closed racket angle Closed racket angle

Then, to return a topspin stroke, y'all'll demand to counteract this upwards movement by using a closed noise angle and playing a Bulldoze or a Loop, or a Block.

Open racket angle to play a backspin chop Open noise bending to play a backspin chop

Alternatively, if you're a defensive style player, yous can motility away from the table and, using an open racket angle, play a defensive, chopping stroke.

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Returning backspin

Backspin strokes are created when your opponent's dissonance brushes confronting the ball using a down stroke. This creates elevate on the ball and slows the ball down as it travels through the air.

After the ball makes contact with your dissonance, the backspin will cause it to rebound in an downward direction.

Open racket angle to play a Push Open up noise angle to play a Push button

So, to return a backspin stroke, you'll need to counteract this downward movement by using an open up racket angle and hitting underneath the ball, causing it to rise upwards (eg. a Push), or play a fast up brushing activeness confronting the ball using a neutral or slightly closed racket angle to create topspin (eg. a Loop).

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Returning sidespin

Side-spin strokes are created when your opponent's racket brushes against the brawl using a sideways stroke action, moving either left-to-right or right-to-left.

This sideways stroke activeness creates either left side-spin or right side-spin which means that after the brawl makes contact with your racket, the side-spin will cause the brawl to go either to the left or to the correct.

There are many different side-spin stroke variations and I cannot peradventure embrace them all, but there are a few general principles that you can use to help you return side-spin strokes.

The main principle to remember is that to annul side-spin strokes you lot need to sentinel the starting point of your opponent's noise and angle your racket and your render in the direction of that starting point.

ane. Left sidespin

When your opponent'southward dissonance is moving from right to left (for a right-hander that means moving from the forehand side to the backhand side, i.east. in towards their body), the spin imparted onto the ball volition brand your return go towards your opponent's left hand (backhand) side after hitting your noise.

So, to counteract this left side-spin, you need to bending your noise towards their right mitt side (the forehand side of your opponent) - as shown in my diagram.

How to return left sidespin (viewed from above) How to render left sidespin (viewed from above)

2. Right sidespin

Conversely, when your opponent'south dissonance is moving from left to right (for a correct-hander that means moving from the backhand side to the forehand side, i.e. away from their trunk) the spin imparted onto the ball will make your return go towards your opponent's right hand (forehand) side after hitting your racket.

So, to annul this right side-spin, you need to angle your dissonance towards their left hand side (the backhand side of your opponent) - as shown in my diagram.

How to return right sidespin (viewed from above) How to return correct sidespin (viewed from above)

Of class, in reality there are many different subtle variations of side-spin, but these full general principles will ever need to be practical.

My elevation tip:

If you're not sure how much side-spin is on the ball, or if you're not sure whether it's left side-spin or correct side-spin, always aim your render stroke towards the middle of the table. Past doing that you are more likely to brand a successful return.

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Spin Do

Being able to play practiced spin shots relies on good ball control.

The post-obit exercises will improve your ability to impart spin onto the ball and to counteract spin:

  1. Using the forehand side of your noise and a loose wrist action, bounciness the brawl vertically to a height of approximately 30cm (12 inches) without imparting whatever spin
  2. When you can exercise that consistently, change your racket angle and impart sidespin equally you lot go on to hit the ball vertically to a acme of approximately 30cm (12 inches)
  3. As the brawl is descending y'all volition need to change your racket angle to annul the sidespin you imparted

My top tips:

When practising these exercises, try to ensure that the brawl bounces every bit about to vertical every bit possible.

Also, ensure that your wrist activity produces most of the movement necessary to produce the spin - and that y'all use a light touch on.

Every bit you meliorate, information technology's important to develop a multifariousness of strokes because basic spin will exist like shooting fish in a barrel for your opponents to read.

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For more information on how to play table tennis and meliorate your game, take a wait at my other tips and techniques articles...

Bones Skills

  • Fix Position
  • The grip
    • Racket angles
  • Basic ball command
    • Bones strokes
    • Backhand push
    • Forehand bulldoze
    • Backhand drive
    • Forehand push button
  • Service rules
  • Basic service
    • Return of service
  • Footwork Patterns

Advanced Skills

  • Mastering spin
  • The block
  • The loop
  • The forehand smash
  • The lob - forehand lob and backhand lob
  • The backspin chop
  • Avant-garde services
    1. Short backspin serve
    2. Backhand sidespin serve
    3. Forehand high-toss serve
    4. Half-long serve
    5. Long, fast serve
  • Avant-garde returns of service
    1. Short push button
    2. Fast, attacking push
    3. Forehand flick (flip)
    4. Backhand flick (banana shot)

Strategies and Tactics

  • Lucifer Strategy
  • Analysing Your Opponent
  • Basic Tactics
  • Full general Tactics
  • Tactics Against Attackers
  • Tactics Against Defenders
  • Tactics Against Long Pimples
  • 6 table tennis tactics to meliorate your game
  • Why are recovery and anticipation important tactics?
  • Returning serve tactics


  • Practice drills to improve your game

Skill Tests

  • Skill tests


  • Warm-up exercises


  • 65 Top Tips, Tactics and Strategies
  • The Real Hush-hush To Choosing Your Table Tennis Racket
  • Tabular array Tennis Service Secrets
  • Turbo-charge Your Doubles Play
  • Table Tennis Rules Explained

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