
How To Put Downloads Back On Finder

How To

A Newbie's Guide to Using the Mac Downloads Folder

Posted on March 14th, 2022 by and Kirk McElhearn

The cloud is where it'southward at. Apple increasingly nudges people to store their documents in the cloud. Since macOS Sierra, you can opt to shop your Desktop and Documents folders in iCloud, making whatsoever's within them more easily accessible from other Macs and mobile devices.

If you use this feature, your home folder – the one with the house icon and user name – is less important than in the by, but it remains that some important folders remain housed there – one of which is Downloads.

How to access Downloads

You can easily access the Downloads binder is hands accessed from Finder's sidebar. If you lot don't see it under Favorites, go to Finder > Preferences, and plough it on in the Sidebar tab. Yous tin can too chop-chop get to information technology from Go > Downloads (Option+Command+Fifty).

The Downloads folder is aptly named. It'due south where your Mac stores files downloaded past Safari, attachments you lot download from Messages, and where many other apps save files when y'all download them from the net or other devices on a local network. This setting tin exist inverse: in Safari, for instance, go to Safari > Preferences, click Full general, choose Other from File download location, and then select a different binder. Most people, though, stick with the default.

Browsers typically arrive piece of cake to quickly get to downloaded files. In Safari's case, a Download push appears in the toolbar, which you click to view a list of recent downloads. Clicking the magnifying glass button side by side to an item reveals the downloaded file in Finder. (Clicking the Clear push button hides the Downloads push until you download something new.)

Managing your downloaded files

The Downloads folder tin get a messy mix of semi-abandoned cruft and items you really need. You might download music from the likes of Bandcamp or Amazon, just and then import it into the Music app, making the original downloads redundant. Perchance these files volition end upwardly nestled with app installers, PDF copies of bills y'all demand for your taxes, and other accumulated documents y'all haven't yet got effectually to filing properly.

In order to filter what you notice, choose View > Every bit List to use the Finder's column view. Sorting items by size tin can help you lot quickly discover – and potentially trash – large items. Just also try sorting past kind to quickly go through documents of a certain type, and besides past date, to find items that accept been hanging effectually for months similar a bad odour.

If that sounds like too much hard piece of work, take a await at file organization tool Hazel (432, Noodlesoft). The app lets you set up rules that determine what happens to sure types of files in any watched folder – and any considered superfluous to requirements can be automatically sent to the Trash. Everything happens in the groundwork, without you having to lift a finger.

How tin I learn more?

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About Craig Grannell

Craig Grannell is a engineering writer, mostly specialising in Macs, iOS, apps, and games. He's been immersed in all things Apple tree for over 20 years, and enamoured with computers since getting his easily on a VIC-20 equally a kid. He also has a Korg Gadget habit. Send help. Or alternatively, visit his website,, and follow him on Twitter at @craiggrannell. View all posts past Craig Grannell →

How To Put Downloads Back On Finder,


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